
Compliance Perspectives Podcast | George Porter and Adam Turteltaub

Explore the insights shared by George Porter and Adam Turteltaub as they delve into the implications, breadth, and consequences of the CSDDD on the SCCE podcast. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the critical discussions surrounding this directive and its potential impact on corporate sustainability practices.

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In a recent episode of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) podcast, “Compliance Perspectives,” our Knowledge and Training Manager, George Porter joins Adam Turteltaub CCEP, CHC. 

In this insightful discussion, George delves into a complex subject matter that will impact many businesses: the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. 

Tune in to gain valuable insights as George examines:

  • The three pivotal areas encapsulated by the Directive.
  • The  ramifications on supply chain due diligence.
  • The prospective enforcement mechanisms envisaged for the directive.

For a deeper understanding of the CSDDD and its evolution, check out our series of blog posts which shed further light on its implications for businesses and compliance practices.