About Us

Built By Investigators,
For Investigators

Ground Truth Intelligence is the first comprehensive platform for global due diligence and investigations. Launched in 2020, the platform was designed to bring innovation, standardisation and scaleability to the world of investigations.

What makes us different

Woman holding her phone and looking into the distance.

Our global community

Struggling to find the information you need? We’ve curated and vetted a network of over 1500 on-the-ground intelligence sources in 250+ jurisdictions, providing you with unparalleled access to global public record data and intelligence. Align with global best-practices and automatically comply with local data-gathering rules in defined workflows built into the platform.

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Our technology

Whether you need a single piece of information or thousands, our cloud-based platform provides an agile and scalable solution to a traditionally fragmented process. Finally there is a tech-enabled solution to remove the friction from due diligence and investigations.

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View of the globe, with lines of light connecting points across the world.
String of origami people holding hands with a light casting a shadow of them.

Our ethics

As former investigators, we know how important it is to have reliable information that is verifiably obtained in a legally and ethically compliant manner. We place an absolute premium on quality and transparency, with good governance at the heart of what we do.

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The FOundations of Ground Truth

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